Happy Mother’s Day! Today we are celebrating all the amazing mothers out there by sharing real mothering moments. We caught up with a few of our favourite super mummas including interior guru Alice @alicegraceinteriors, fabulous fashion model Laura @misslauracoleman, style siren Sara @sensational_seven and global marketing master Elaine @elainerovesntroves. Thank you to these lovely ladies for sharing their stories with us 💖 Scroll down to read...
Tell us about one of your favourite motherhood moments
I was always told how time flies when you have little ones - and I certainly didn’t appreciate how true this was until I blinked and my eldest Jamie was running off to start school! Looking back, the times I have treasured the most - along with our slow weekends together as a family of four - have been the one to one times spent with Jamie when we use to have a day together, go for a hot chocolate or a slice of cake and he would tell me his funny stories, and ask me all the questions little ones do. Life is so busy and hectic with work nowadays, I look back and really value those times as they really force you to stop and be present and value the simple things in life. I look forward to the time I can do this with my youngest Max!
Share a reality of motherhood that you were not prepared for
Growing up surrounded by a large family I always assumed I would have the same. My mother is one of five so I use to say I wanted lots of children - twins and some! After Jamie turned one, we started trying for another baby but I wasn’t prepared for the journey that was ahead of us. I don’t think anyone really is. Going through the pain of multiple losses and the unrelenting desire of wanting a baby so badly really does take over your life and is very difficult to navigate. Of course we are so grateful we got there in the end but after heartbreaking scans, IVF and more, I’ve had my eyes opened to the reality that so many others experience. Talking about it on social media really made me more aware of how common it is, and how much of a true honour it is to become a mother. There isn’t a day I take it for granted.
What is the best piece of parenting advice you have been given?
Not to get upset if they take things out on you - it’s only because they feel safe and loved!
Tell us your top 3 products loved by you and your little one
I took my Avery Row Bag to the hospital when I had Max - it is the perfect size and also so useful for nights and weekends away. We also have the Changing Cushion with Changeable Covers and the beautiful Brown Scallop Blanket, which I wrapped him in the day he came home. I took some really precious captures of him wrapped in it and I will always treasure!
Thank you Alice 💖 Click here to follow the lovely @alicegraceinteriors journey on Instagram.
Tell us about one of your favourite motherhood moments
I feel like I have a favourite moment every single day. Every time she does something different or enjoys something or hits a milestone, I just love it and find it rewarding. More than I ever imagined! My most favourite specific moment was definitely birth. It was just the most amazing and magical experience getting to meet the baby that was growing in your tummy all that time in person! Best moment EVER!
Share a reality of motherhood that you were not prepared for
That you never seem to get a tea break at times when you really need it the most! Or when I really need an early bedtime but she just won’t go down.
What is the best piece of parenting advice you have been given?
Be chilled and go with the flow. I’ve found this so beneficial and has kept my partner Jean and myself super chilled. Babies are changing all the time, so I’ve found it better to be more flexible with expectations.
Tell us your top 3 products loved by you and your little one
My Artipoppe - for being able to stay close to her whilst I do jobs or she wanted comfort when I’m on the go! My Cybex Mios pram - The perfect size and comfort for Jean, also lightweight for London life. Babybjorn bouncer was a life saver in the first 6 months! She loved sitting in it and I knew she was safe sat there. My Avery Row Muslin Blanket is super soft and snuggly. It also washes great and we use it so much! I also love my Avery Row Changing Bag in Nutmeg. It is super soft and fits so much in. Also looks great in your nursery or on your pram!
Thank you Laura 💖 Click here to follow the lovely @misslauracoleman journey on Instagram.
Tell us about one of your favourite motherhood moments
There are so so many precious and special moments that you want to pause...but one that takes a special place in my heart and mind is ‘skin to skin’ time with Mollie in those early days to comfort her. The purest love you could feel, the connection and the contentment of this was so uniquely special. And I can still vividly remember the new born scent off Mollie, a scent like none other and her pure soft breath against my face as she lay on me...something I will treasure forever.
Share a reality of motherhood that you were not prepared for
While being a mum is the most incredible role and honour and one I’m forever grateful for, it doesn’t mean it is easy. It comes with worry and stress and not every day is plain sailing. I think it’s important to be aware that many mother’s experience these feelings and it’s actually normal. Initially when I felt these feelings, I felt overwhelmed and thought I was the only person experiencing this and felt bad for feeling like this, as I felt I should only feel all the positive feelings and emotions as I was gifted with the most precious gift. But after being open about my feelings, I started to realise I was definitely not alone. So I think it’s good to be open and share how we feel so we help normalise these feelings that other mums may experience and so they know it’s actually normal if they do experience anything other than positive feelings.
What is the best piece of parenting advice you have been given?
It had to be that ‘I will know my baby and take the lead by her as opposed to being too influenced by what others tell me. While we were very grateful of advice and tips we did let Mollie guide us and I did instinctively know what and when she needed things. I had little to no experience with babies so I felt a bit daunted and scared when Mollie came along but your mum instincts really kick in and it’s incredible how you pick up and know each of their little cues. So trust in yourself and your instincts.
Tell us your top 3 products loved by you and your little one
We have lots of the Avery Row baby products and they definitely top our favourites. We love them because they are practical and they are so so pretty and aesthetically pleasing. When I was picking bits for Mollie I was keen that they fitted in with our decor of your home. The patterns and designs available from at Avery Row are the perfect finishing touches for lots of corners of your home, while providing the perfect baby solutions.
Our 3 favourite include, Storage Baskets and Storage Bags - perfect for hiding all the not so nice looking things and easy at hand always. Changing Basket and Liner - a beautiful and practical changing space and it’s now used as an accessory for holding mollies favourite teddies. Playmat- it’s great as you can easily move it around.
Thank you Elaine 💖 Click here to follow the lovely @elainerovesntroves journey on Instagram.
Tell us about one of your favourite motherhood moments
There are so many but my favourite has to be: when we have family time altogether. When our twins were brought out of the car to meet our children for the first time coming home, I knew there and then in that moment having a larger family was meant to be. Seeing the kids faces light up welcoming double the love into their little world. It’s a vision I’ll never forget.
Share a reality of motherhood that you were not prepared for
When our children get sick / have to go through things that see your heart break. You cannot ever be prepared when these things happen. We nearly lost August (our twin 1) at birth (and and again a few weeks old) it has left it’s mark on me forever. You have to live for each day in the moment because it’s all you can do.
What is the best piece of parenting advice you have been given?
Enjoy every second, time is so short and do not waste your time worrying about the things that one day will slowly fade out your family home. Today is here and tomorrow is never promised. Your best days are right now so learn to love the rough with the good. Accept failure because when we feel we aren’t achieving, we are actually learning even more about ourselves and our children. Accept help if given always!!! Talk about your worries and fears as a mum. Don’t think others will not understand. We are all in the same boat.
Tell us your top 3 products loved by you and your little one
Babyzen yo-yo pram (it’s a must) so small and light. It saved me so much time on big heavy prams for in and out the car with a busy family. Baby sound machine (our Moonie Bear) the best ever for soothing baby and relaxing then. Our Jem & Bea baby change bag. A favourite to carry around and feel organised. As a busy mum I need to feel organised and this bag does just that. My favourite Avery Row products has to be the Seagrass Change Basket...stunning! I love it so much!
Thank you Sara 💖 Click here to follow the lovely @sensational_seven journey on Instagram.
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