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This morning we had our first photoshoot featuring our very own supermodel Mia. Despite being so little at just 12 weeks, she was an absolute star!  She even managed a good few minutes of tummy time. Thanks to Mia and her mummy, Fran.
It was great setting up all the shots of our products and seeing them come to life. Deciding which products to match up for various shots was the hardest as we love them all!  We particularly like the use of toys which Helen dug out from the playroom at home. 
Big thanks to our photographer, James from James Robinson photography who worked non-stop while we frantically rolled and re-rolled mats, stacked cushions and hung fabric.  Before we knew it the day was over and we were all thoroughly exhausted.  Photoshoots are much harder work than people think!
We were hoping for a beautiful crisp Autumn day but it rained non-stop so we'll need to take those photos of the mat in action outdoors another day. The even harder part is yet to come, choosing which shots to use from the hundreds we took today!

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